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By June 13th, 2018Uncategorized
Cass County Coalition of Chambers and
Belton Chamber of Commerce Luncheon Meeting
Thursday, June 14, 11:45 – 1:00
Calvary University
Membership Drive
Stuff the Bus & Pack the Pantry
June 1 – August 3
Dear Members and Friends:
Highlights from May:
Celebrated Small Business Week with new member Big Daddy’s Donuts; First Friday Coffee at Life Thyme Botanicals; Ribbon Cutting for Heart N Hand Thrift Store; Board Meeting; Membership Luncheon Meeting hosted by Belton School District; Golf Tournament at The Country Club at Loch Lloyd; Welcomed 4 New Members; and, I ended the month with a wonderful vacation in the Florida Keys with my family.  Now I’m rested and ready to tackle whatever comes next!
We are kicking off our annual Membership Drive which includes the Stuff the Bus and Pack the Pantry campaign benefitting Belton School District students.  Please bring your school supplies or non-perishable food items to the Chamber office, Carnegie Village or Hy-Vee.  Last year we donated $400 and 25 containers of supplies – let’s make it at least 30 this year! Watch for more information soon about a special Chamber luncheon meeting at Hy-Vee on Tuesday, July 10, and, the longest running event in Chamber history – the annual steak fry which is all new this year and you won’t want to miss out on it!
August also marks the 55th year anniversary of the Chamber’s incorporation, although, according the Belton Historical Society’s Hundred Year Book, the Chamber was officially formed in 1945. We celebrated our 70 year anniversary in our newly remodeled offices in 2015. If you are a past Board Member if you could please reach out to the Chamber office we would appreciate it. We would love for you to attend the steak fry and help us celebrate the accomplishments of the Chamber and recognize your support.
The golf tournament this year simply could not have been better!  Thank you again to everyone who helped make this such a successful, fun event. We hear each year from the golfers that they really love this tournament and look forward to it each year. Hope to see you at The Country Club at Loch Lloyd next May!
Thank you – hope to see you on Historic Downtown Main Street in Olde Towne Belton! Have a great summer!
Diane Huckshorn,
Executive Director
323 Main St., PO Box 350
Belton, MO 64012
Office: 816-331-2420
Cell:  816-309-1448
Thank you for your support.
We value your membership and look 
forward to working together with you!

Cajun Cabin, Food Truck
Mark Drouin

Dave’s Bike Shop, David and Tabitha Forster
319 Municpal Circle, Raymore, MO 64083
KC Treasure Map Overstock, Anna Kasl

Panera Bread
1211 North Ave., Belton, MO 64012
Please contact the Chamber office if you would like YOUR business featured here or know someone who would!